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Training Courses
The consulting team intends to implement the practical management courses along a pragmatic consult. The lack of practical training is obvious during the consulting process and unfortunately, there is no academic training course to cover it.
Marketing and Sales
Regarding the link between marketing, sales and the earnings of the organization, the sell operation is a key process from the top managers’ point of view. Today the organizations try to influence their services and products network positively through application of right sales mechanisms. The consulting team’s policy is to gather the market data and analyze it and the market in order to lead the organization to the marketing development and a better sell.
Comprehensive Business Managment System (CBMS)
The implementation of CBMS includes three major steps such as development of strategies, implementation, and evaluation and updating the strategies by the consulting team, which is happening simultaneously with the implementation of comprehensive management system and organization growth.
Statement of Problem
Precise identification of details and their interaction in an organization is the only practical solution to reinforce the organization. A doctor cannot diagnose a patient with a disease perfectly and offer the right treatment unless he takes various tests, and interpret them simultaneously.
We can provide a full range of services in the field of testing, through our global network in order to have conformity with international and industrial standards and criteria. All our operators are qualified and certified and can perform inspections to any international code, standard or customer specification.
Project Inspection
Project Inspection, Inspection during Production, VOC Inspection:
Our skilled specialized inspectors who are profoundly familiar with the kind of products and the standards thereof will perform inspections services for the projects, inspection during production and VOC inspections (Verification of Conformity). Inspectors being in charge to relevant coordination office accordingly will promptly report all inspection activities like visual check, dimensional check, witnessing of various tests, documents review, packing, marking, labeling, etc.
Certification / Type Approval
Type approval is the confirmation that production samples of a design will meet specified performance standards. The specification of the product is recorded and only that specification is approved. The process required third party approval - testing, certification and production conformity assessment by an independent body.
Health, safety and environment (HSE) regulations are designed to protect people and the planet. So organisations need to show they adhere to them – both for legal reasons and to build trust with the individuals and organisations