Marketing and Sales

Written by Wednesday, 01 May 2019 11:30
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Regarding the link between marketing, sales and the earnings of the organization, the sell operation is a key process from the top managers’ point of view. Today the organizations try to influence their services and products network positively through application of right sales mechanisms. The consulting team’s policy is to gather the market data and analyze it and the market in order to lead the organization to the marketing development and a better sell.

 The consulting team’s policy steps are as follows:

  • Planning, implementing and monitoring the market research projects
  • Developing modern marketing plans
  • Improving marketing plans and advertisement
  • Designing the system for client satisfaction monitoring
  • Branding and pricing
  • Developing programs to increase the business added value
  • Developing the competing strategies for services and products
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Last modified onMonday, 08 July 2019 06:44

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